verse of the day

Tuesday 7 January 2020

His Destiny . ( Revelation 13 v 8 )

So Christmas has gone it is all over for another year,people will take their Christmas lights down,and try to get to back to a degree of normality.No more corals, no more listening to that famous song where the words go,'I'm dreaming of a white Christmas',nice song ,but I so glad we did not have a white's all over till next time.Christmas may be over,but it is not the end,no, the Christ child moved on with a purpose, he became a young boy then a young man, still moving on ,and as he walked he had the shadow of a cross falling over Him. The cross was his destiny, yes there were those who would try to stop him,but thankfully they all failed. Lets us offer a prayer of thanksgiving, for the bravest man who ever lived,the holiest man who ever lived,the only who never sinned,and yet on that cross he would pay the price for our sin.

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