verse of the day

Saturday 4 August 2018

No way out. ( Psalm 41 )

I  remember a good number of years ago,helping in a Christian book shop,the couple who ran the shop were a fine Christian couple.Things were becoming difficult financially, to try and bring in more revenue they opened a cafe as part of the bookshop.This cost more money and unfortunately the cafe was not successful,so things became more difficult,there appeared no way out of the situation . They could not give up the shop as they were tied to a lease,which had to be paid,so it went on,no way out it seemed. One morning I was reading the scriptures, and I read the following words , in Exodus 6 v 1,which read,''Now you will see what I ( Lord )will do'', I passed this unto the brother in the shop.Well what did God do?, shortly after this the local council bought the place, enabling  the couple to move out.So it is when we reach the end of our hidden resources, and everything appears to be ,      beyond us,it is then ,we can see what God can do,He comes at that moment, and we see His glorious deliverance.The children of Israel experience it so many times,there were times that all seemed lost,no way out,are you at that place,have faith,call upon the Lord and He will deliver you..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Now you will see what the Lord will do.

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