verse of the day

Tuesday 28 August 2018

More than Justice. ( Romans 5 v 8 )

In his book  New Testament words, William Barclay writing on the Greek word ,'Epieikes  ,we have this word in Phil 4 v 5/ 1 Timothy 3 v 3./ and other places,comments ,that long before the NT  used this word it had a great record in Greek ethical writing. He quotes  Trench who says  ''that it expresses that ,moderation which recognizes  that there are occasions when a legal right can become a moral wrong.'' Consider what our Saviour faced when He healed someone on the Sabbath,or when he touched a leper,or even the woman caught in the act of adultery .The law would have  dealt with these people, on a purely legal base,but Jesus saw that as a moral wrong..W.B, points out the following, ''The basic and fundamental thing  about epieikeia is that it goes back to God.If  God stood on His rights, if God applied to us nothing but the rigid standards of the law, where would we be''. In  Christ  mercy triumphs over justice,because of that we are forgiven and eternally saved,as God in Christ has done this for us,let us remember to show Epieikeia to others.

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