verse of the day

Thursday 3 September 2015

The great Creator. [Revelation 3 v20]

In John 1 v 10 we read,/He [Jesus] was in the world,and though the world was made through Him,the world did not recognise Him. The first thing to grasp is the clear statement of Jesus as creator,in Genesis 1 v1 we read ,/In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth/,how did He do it?,by speaking,v3 And God said. and so the word ,God the Son,went forth and made all things. Yet in spite of this,the world then and now fail to recognise and accept,their maker. Humanity fails to acknowledge Him,for many hundreds of years Rome persecuted His followers,likewise the nations in the 20th century,remember those who persecute Christians, persecute Christ
[Acts 9 v5 ].Studdert-Kennedy wrote a poem called indifference, stressing
the fact that if Christ came again today,would it be different?
    /When Jesus came to Birmingham they simply passed Him by,
     Then never hurt a hair of Him,they only let Him die,
     For men had grown more tender,and they would not give Him pain,
     They only just passed down the street,and left Him in the rain/
The claims of Jesus still go unheeded,so few never give Christ a first thought,never mind a second.Yet Christ still knocks at peoples hearts door,saying ,can I  come in?can I come in?.
                                             A  prayer.
 Dear God we thank you for sending Jesus,who continues to seek an entrance into peoples lives,Amen

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