verse of the day

Saturday 12 September 2015

A different road. [ Matthew 7 v 13-23]

He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake [Psalm 23v3 ],the fact of the matter,the Lord will not guide his children in paths of
unrighteousness. Our Lord speaks of two roads,one that is broad,one that is
narrow,these two roads have two different destinations,the broad one leads to destruction,the narrow one leads to life.Many are on the broad road,few are on the narrow road,yes few there will be that are,or will be saved.As I prayed this morning it struck me ,how few of my neighbours are saved,In this world millions are saved but millions upon millions are not, it is a tragedy.It bears in upon one the depth of mankind's sinful condition,let us not be fooled by talk of the human spirit. To place our hope in that is
closing ones eyes to the tendency of humanity,to manifest indifference and
antagonism,to God and his Son Jesus. To place our hope in the human spirit
is to be blind to the testimony of history.To place our faith in the human spirit is to ignore the evidence of our own fallen nature ,we rightly say there but by the grace of God,for apart from Gods grace we could be a murderer,
a child abuser ,a drug abuser etc.I exaggerate not ,for the word of God clearly teaches us that we have a nature that is deceitful and desperately wicked.[Jeremiah 17 v9].The question I ask you,what road are you on?,for
you are not on a road that is going nowhere,what destination will you arrive
at ?.
                                A prayer.
Dear God,help me by your mercy to choose the right road, in Jesus name Amen

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