verse of the day

Thursday 24 September 2015

One word. [ Romans 1 v 7 ]

While on holiday I bought a little place mat,it had my name on it William underneath the name it read,/Good natured,bright and hardworking,a
reliable person.That pleased me,I asked my wife did that sum me up ?,but I asked myself the same question , and hopefully those words reflect to some degree the person I am.I am not going to be blinded by my pride.Those
qualities are commendable but I also know that like the weather I am a changeable person.I know there is a dark side to my nature.A side I would not want to see in print ,a side of me that could bring such misery,and pain
to myself and others,and dishonour to my Saviour and Lord.I do try to live up the good side,but daily I hear my sinful self,and Satan,drawing me over to the dark side.Recently at the church I attend the minister asked us to
share with the person next to us something positive ,that we had experienced in the previous week,the lady next to me,asked me to share
my positive experience,and I replied grace.
                              Amazing grace how sweet the sound
                               That saved a wretch like me
                               I once was lost,but now am found,
                               Was blind but now I see.
                               Through many dangers,toils and snares,
                               I have already come,
                                Tis grace that's brought me safe so far,
                                And grace will lead me home.
                                        [ J . Newton]

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