verse of the day

Friday 11 September 2015

Lead me gently home. [ Psalm 23 ]

In verses 2and 3 of psalm 23 ,we have David declaring, He leads me/He guides me.It is so easy to be lead by every whim and fancy,guided by others ,those we feel we can trust. But David says very simply the Lord is leading him,surely that is the best policy,to follow where He leads and guides. Consider what that may mean,how do you see what it means for God to lead and guide?. It means wherever He leads and guides will be best for us even though it appears ,things do not work out as we think.It does not mean that we will not be tried,or  suffer loss,but it does mean,that we will be in the centre of Gods will for our lives.For all of us it means keeping our eyes on Jesus continually,and on our eventual destination Heaven. The apostle Paul was consumed with doing Gods will,but he always kept Christ and his goal in mind. Davids speaks with a certain confidence, He leads me,He guides me,as a child of God he was confident that the one who was his shepherd was with him,and was leading and guiding him. So whatever we may be facing today yes whatever,whatever decisions we are faced with let us like David say , He is leading me,He is guiding me,so all will be well.,

                                          A  Prayer.
                      Lead me gently home,Father,
                       Lead me gently home
                      Mid life's darkest hours Father,
                      When sad trials come.
                      Keep my feet from wandering,
                      Lest my feet should roam;
                       Lest I fall upon the wayside,
                       Lead me gently home.
                          In Jesus name we ask this,

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