verse of the day

Sunday 8 March 2015

The bigger biblical picture [ Job 2 v 10]

Sometimes when one is driving the road signs are obscured by whatever,when Toad mole where lost in the dark wood,and heavy snow was falling,they as it were by accident discovered the home of Badger,which had been obscured by the snow.[From Wind and the Willows]. I thought of this as I looked at a framed  plaque I have,which reads ,/ Jesus never fails /,sitting in front of it was an object, which obscured the words never,so it read ,Jesus fails. When my first wife died,her father was sitting in my living room,and he pointed to that plaque,as if to say,Jesus fails.The loss of his daughter was an obstacle,it blotted out the true meaning of those words,
to him Jesus had failed
   Consider, that if we have a mind set ,that being a Christian,will mean,we will never have poverty,pain,bereavement,then it will be easy to say Jesus
fails.The  Bible is a very honest book,it tell us ,how godly people lost all they had[ Job 1-2],it tells of a man who was imprisoned ,for something he did not do,that same man was hated by his brothers[Genesis39].The great apostle Paul,suffered the most terrible of things,from others,plus an incurable affliction.[1 Corinthians 11v23-12v7-9]
     In spite of all that they suffered they did not think that Jesus had failed,
so it is what ever you and I suffer,it does not mean that Jesus has failed.We
must hold unto the truth that God will never cause His children needless pain,even though it may be severe.
     There are many reason why we suffer, it is then we  must trust in a
God and Saviour who loves us.
                                  A prayer
Dear God many ,many times we have failed You, but we know that You have never failed us,nor ever will,help us to see the bigger  biblical picture,
in Jesus name Amen.
   [ I will return to my Blog in a couple of days,every blessing ]

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