verse of the day

Sunday 14 October 2012

Slaves of sin. [ John 8 v 34 -36 ]

One of the big stories in our country at this time is to do with a person Jimmy Savile,if you take the first two letters away from his surname you have the word vile,this word means,/abominably wicked/disgusting,and this appears to sum him up.This man until he died was one of the nations favorite people,he was even knighted, and honoured by the pope.Yet in over forty years he abused many,many,youngsters,even children in hospital,so what can we say about all this?. Well in my dictionary in describing vile,it uses the phrase,/only slaves would perform such vile tasks.Jimmy Savile was a slave to his sinful practices,completly controlled by his sexual appetite, for only a slave would perform such vile things.He is not on His own ,10 percent of Japanese men have admitted to owning child porn at some stage,I wonder what the figure is world wide?. Our Saviour came to set the captive free[ Isaiah 61 v 1] ,why do we need to be set free?,because as our Saviour taught,,/whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin[ John 8v34 ],now consider what means for all of us,for the Bible tells us that we are all sinners[Romans 3 v36 ].So that means we are all servants or slaves to sin,Thankfully we have not committed the awful things Jimmy Savile committed, but we all without exception,are enslaved in something.Habits.thought patterns,lack of love,sinful appitites,violence,lying,cheating,if I keep on writing, you would see your particular bondage.For Jimmy Salvile it is two late, but it is not for you,Jesus can set you free.For whom the son sets free is free indeed,Jesus ,it trully is no secret what God can do.
A  prayer......../Dear God pour out Your Spirit upon people,convict and convert many people people who are prisoners ,in Jesus name Amen ]

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