verse of the day

Thursday 24 November 2011

The Lord is my Shepherd. [ Psalm 23 ]

We will begin looking at the 23 rd Psalm , next to the Lords prayer , the 23rd Psalm must be the best known of the scriptures. So let us commence our study. ...../ The lord is my shepherd, consider how wonderful these words are, and yet how amazing. A little boy whispered into the ear of his new born baby sister,tell me what the God is like, for I have forgotten. What knowledge people once had of God is long forgotten most people are like Pharaoh, who declared, who is the Lord/ I know not the Lord [ Exodus 5 v 2 ].There is a darkness throughout our land, Christmas is but a commercal occassional, we who are Christians continue to tell people the true message of Christmas,but to little avail, these are not words of despair, for I believe in the Sovereignty of God. They are as it is, I wish it was not so, but alas Santa is as real to most people as our dear Saviour. Unless God reveals Himself, the dark ignorance will continue, such is mankinds condition they have forgotten what God is like.
A prayer..... Dear God we ask that in Your mercy,that You shine into the darkened hearts of people , and bring them to a true knowledge of Your Son Jesus. Amen .

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