verse of the day

Thursday 10 September 2009

Struggling [Psalm 20]

There are many things that are hard to cope with, the list is endless, sickness, death,loneliness,poverty,watching a love one suffer,injustice,the suicide of a friend or loved one,betrayal,rejection, failure,and so we could go on. Today we may be in the pit of despair,wishing that things could be different, not knowing how we are going to cope, mybe wanting to run away from everything. If you are a Christian, and yes ,Christians will experience all those things, I would encourage you, to be honest with God,tell Him how you feel, pour out your heart to Him, and simply ask Him to help you, there may appear to be only a silence, but God is listening, and will answer your prayer. Psalm 120v1 reads,/I took my troubles to the Lord, I cried out to Him, and He answered my prayer/, I would encourage you to read the Psalms,for in them You will recieve much encouragement.[Dear God there are times we are overcome by the things that come into our lives, there are times in which we are driven to despair, so today help us, in Jesus name. Amen ]

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