verse of the day

Saturday 5 September 2009

Eight days a week. [Romans 5v5 ]

As I write this I am playing a beatle song about loving someone eight days a week, what do you think they meant?, well it could mean they cant love enough. As a Christian I am faced with the challenge to love, and love, and love , and love,a never ending love, a reflection of Gods love. I loved yesterday, I am to love today , and tomorrow, and all my tomorrows. The love that God has for this world is constant, and unchanging, it is an unending love. God never gets tired of loving,He never says I have had enough, Im not going to love anymore,He loves eight days a week.How can we possible love and love, and love?, when some people are so unlovely, when they are hurting us continually, in ourselves we cant. In Romans 5v5 we read,/ For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love/, we have His Spirit in us to help us to love eight days a week, so today rely on Him , and His resources.[ Dear God Your love is so amazing, for You just keep on loving, and loving, and loving,today we ask that You would fill our hearts ,and lives with Your love,so that we can love eight days a week, in Jesus name . Amen ]

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