verse of the day

Friday 25 September 2009

Let God.[ 2 Chronicles 20]

Let God,sometimes there are situations we cant do anything about, we try to resolve them, yet the more we try, the worse it seems to get, nothing changes,and we just experience more pain. So what does one do , let God. Yesterday we thought on Joseph, when he was in prison he thought that the cup bearer would , speak a word in high places and have him released, but he didnt, he forgot about Joseph. It is often the case that we have to stop our struggling,our manoeuvring, and let God take over, a person can only be rescued when he submits to their rescuer. The Israelites were in great danger of being destroyed, God spoke through Moses/Dont be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today,[Exodus 14v13], and He did. Today let us be still and know that He is God[Psalm 46v10 ], to have confidence,trust, and Faith in Him, who can make a way ,were there is no way, to Him who can provide, a job, a wife/ husband, a home, a family , a friend.[ Dear God help us to understand what we have to do in every given situation, help us to realize that there are times when the best thing we can do is simply be still and to trust You to work on our behalf, in Jesus name Amen ]

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