verse of the day

Sunday 6 September 2009

Save them. [ Ephesians 2 v1-4 ]

Being a parent is such an awesome reponsiblity, as a father of five lads, I cannot say I was the greatest of fathers, if only one could go back, I do have regrets, and yet I loved everyone of them. I believe that a parents love should reflect Gods love,and in many cases it does, but then we hear of cases of abuse, of neglect, and it fills us with great sadness. Recently we have heard on the news, how two young lads,nearly murdered two other young lads, and the question many ask, is why?. Well we dont have to dig very much for reason ,their mother was on drugs, her partner abused them continually, they were often hungry, and most of all unloved. It is so easy to point the finger, but what we need to do is pray for them , and their abusers,[ not forgetting the other children who suffered at the hands of these two boys], the words that Jesus give me,/ This is why I came/, continue to challenge me, may they continue to challenge us, to pray,and to befriend those whose lives are a mess.[ Dear Father in heaven we bring to you these two lads that acted so cruelly, and ask that You would in your mercy, may save them through your dear son Jesus. Amen ]

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