verse of the day

Tuesday 14 July 2009

The way of the cross[ Matthew 16 v24 -25 ]

Jesus says , Follow Me,but remember it is the way of the cross, a way of sacrifice, a way of pain, a way of being misunderstood. We cannot carry anothers cross, nor should we try, there is a path laid out for all of us, which only we are meant to walk. In many ways the path is a lonely one, think of the path our Saviour trod, all forsook Him,He even felt He had been forsaken by His Father. There is an old hymn which reads,/ Its the way of the cross that leads home/,it is the cross now ,but later it will be the crown and glory. In the garden of Gethsemane , the discples slept,when they should have been awake, and Jesus said, the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak.We need each day to crucify the flesh, to say no to self pity, to walk the walk of a disciple, and that is the way of the cross.[ Dear Lord Jesus, grant us the grace, each day to take up our cross and follow You, Amen ]

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