verse of the day

Saturday, 19 January 2008


Continually our Saviour was faced with those who were nitpicking, read Matthew 23v13 ff, read it in the Message if you have a copy .The religious people were taken up with trivia, to them rules and stupid regulations, were the all important thing, Jesus cut across it all, and they hated Him for that. As Christians it is important, so very important that we see the trivia, for what it is,and begin to see what being a Christian really means, and it certainty does not mean, a life playing silly games, this is what Jesus says,Do you have any idea how silly you look,writing a life story thats wrong from start to finish, nitpicking over commas and semicoons.[T.M] [Father it must surely continue to grieve your heart, how your people are failing to see whats really important to you, and your kingdom, that they are taken up with trivia, forgive, and in thy mercy revive your people, for the sake of your dear Son,Amen]

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