verse of the day

Wednesday 30 January 2008


It is reckoned that it will cost half a billion dollars for those who are trying to win the race for the Whitehouse, in fact whither they win or loose it will cost a lot of money. One very important aspect of our Lords teaching was cost, the cost of following Him.we read of those who appeared to want to follow Jesus but when He confronted them with the cost of discipleship,they refused to pay the price. Often in our preaching we speak of the benifites , forgiveness of sins, peace, eternal life, etc, but we neglect to mention the cost of following Jesus, it is called easy believisim, the fact of the matter is, it is not easy to be a Christian. [Father in a world that continually clamours for more of the good life, help me not to loose sight of the challenge of my Saviour to take up my cross, to deney myself, and to follow Him. Amen.]

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