verse of the day

Thursday, 31 January 2008

Calm Down.

As I observe life , I see more and more the importance of calming down , I wonder just how many accidents are caused by people who are in a hurry ,or feeling under pressure. So today dont be a driven human being, be a led child of God, in Psalm 31 v22 we read ,I said in my haste I am cut off, Child of God we are never cut of from God , just take time to speak to him, calm down. [ Father help me to calm down in my soul today, to not be driven to distraction , with all the pressures of life, to be still and know that you are God, I ask this in Jesus name, Amen.]

Wednesday, 30 January 2008


It is reckoned that it will cost half a billion dollars for those who are trying to win the race for the Whitehouse, in fact whither they win or loose it will cost a lot of money. One very important aspect of our Lords teaching was cost, the cost of following Him.we read of those who appeared to want to follow Jesus but when He confronted them with the cost of discipleship,they refused to pay the price. Often in our preaching we speak of the benifites , forgiveness of sins, peace, eternal life, etc, but we neglect to mention the cost of following Jesus, it is called easy believisim, the fact of the matter is, it is not easy to be a Christian. [Father in a world that continually clamours for more of the good life, help me not to loose sight of the challenge of my Saviour to take up my cross, to deney myself, and to follow Him. Amen.]

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Bread Alone.

When Jesus performed the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand,plus, [John 6,] the people wanted to make Jesus their king, Jesus who knows us through and through, did not let them, why ?[v26, reveals to us the why,] Jesus came to meet our deepest need, so many feel if only I could win the lottery, if only, is the cry of the human heart. What we think we need is not necessary what we do need, that is what Jesus meant when He said man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God[Matthew 4v4] [Father only through your Son Jesus is our deepest need met, and only in doing your will , am I trully satisfied, and fufilled, help me never to loose sight of this, in Jesus name, Amen.]

Monday, 28 January 2008


There is an old saying honesty is the best policy, there is all sorts of honesty, most of the time we try to be honest, but there is always those occaisions in which we find it hard . Ask yourself, how honest am I?, also, why be honest? is it really important? . I remember the time when money was scarce , and I found some money, I handed it into the police station, but I did hope no one claimed it, times were hard, I smile when I think of this ,I wonder did God smile?.[ Father help me ,to make you smile in approval, for it is you most of all I want to please, in Jesus name, Amen]

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Its not over till God says so..

I found my self watching the latest and surely the last Rocky movie, it was very enjoyable, Rocky comes over as a nice person, and a religious person, all in all to me it was a pleasant experience. The main thrust of the movie is about the old guy wanting to box again , it does,nt seem possible, but it happened, against all the odds. Listen ,for the child of God its not over till God says so, so hope on, God is on the throne,I love those words in Romans 4v18-20 [ do read them] of a man of God who believed his God was able . [Father I thank you that my life is in your hands, I look to you to fulfill your will for my Jesus name, Amen]

Saturday, 26 January 2008

The Way.

In these days in which we live, finding our way about can be very challenging, especially if you are a driver, my wife and I both drive, and we both struggle to find our way to were we are going. If I drive out of my area I struggle, we have partially solved the problem by the use of a navigation gadget, I say partially.It is in John 14 a disciple asked Jesus, how can we know the way?, the fact of the matter is so many are like that disciple, they dont know the way , they are in fact lost ,I wonder is that you?, then let me point you in the right way, John 14v6, reads, Jesus said I am the way the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me. [ Father I thank you ,that you have sent Jesus ,He is the way, the truth and the life., Amen]

Friday, 25 January 2008


Many dear Scots people , will be remembering their wonderful poet Robert Burns today , like classical music my knowledge of poetry is very limited, I do like some poetry, a lot I dont. Poetry can be very meaningful , and can touch a cord in our hearts, the world every year sings, Auld Lang Syne,[R.B.]. The words of another of R.B, poem comes to mind, in his poem to a mouse, The best laid schemes o mice an men, gang aft a-gley , in other words the plans we make do not always work out. What plans are you making? have you brought God into them? [ Father I commit all my ways into your hands, to open doors, or to shut them, I believe whatever you choose for me will be best, in Jesus name. Amen.]

Thursday, 24 January 2008


I have just finished reading a book called escape, all about a lady who was brought up in a cult, who in the end managed to escape from a situation, that was so damaging .It does remind me that religion can be a dangerous thing when it is divorced from truth . I believe people are religious, everyone without exception worships something, that something can be anything, this has a twofold affect , in relation to time and eternity. The word of God has a clear message it tells us clearly of Jesus who is the way the truth, and the life, John 14v6, in Jesus we find forgiveness, freedom, and hope. [Father I thank you for your Son Jesus ,my saviour, Amen]

Wednesday, 23 January 2008


Life can appear very complicated, and no doubt it is for so many people, computers,so many gadets, plus people, so many of us are very complex, and so we could go on. It is refreshing when we read what JESUS taught in Matthew18v2. Mark10v15, Luke 18v17,of the importance of being childlike [ not childish] , mybe we need to be reminded of this afresh, the importance of simple childlike trust, in Jesus, for salvation ,serving, and living. [Father grant unto me that childlike trust in all of my life, in Jesus name, Amen.]

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

All things are sacred.

We live in a world that has a serious problem, sin , this has affected all of us , and indeed everything, those who have great gifts have often great defects . The question that many religious people struggle with is, what can they enjoy?, what is right, I personally have a niggling uneasiness about certain things. I heard someone say, all things are sacred that are not sinful, the apostle wrote in 1Corinthians 6v12 ,not everything is good for you, and , I must not become a slave to anything, I am sure these are good guide lines , imporant principals to bear in mind.[ Father help me to be holy , help me not to let anything affect my relationship with you,in Jesus name, Amen.]

Monday, 21 January 2008

The blues.

I never felt more like singing the blues, so goes the old pop song, Monday morning blues are one aspect of this feeling , sometimes we dont know why we have the blues. Well the good thing is the blues will come and go, it is not permanent,they will lift when we get going. [ Father I gave you thanks that you are very understanding, you put up with all my moods, help me today to be more like you , with those I live with, and those I come in contact with today, I ask this in Jesus name,Amen.]

Sunday, 20 January 2008


Let us remember that our prayers do make a difference, it is not always obivious, but as we look back we see that God was listening ,and answering our prayers. I believe that God answers prayer, we could say he answers with a ,yes , no, and wait, but what I want to stress is this very simple yet important point, God answers prayer.[ Father I believe that you are listening to your children when they pray, and I believe you answer their prayers, thank you in Jesus name, Amen]

Saturday, 19 January 2008


Continually our Saviour was faced with those who were nitpicking, read Matthew 23v13 ff, read it in the Message if you have a copy .The religious people were taken up with trivia, to them rules and stupid regulations, were the all important thing, Jesus cut across it all, and they hated Him for that. As Christians it is important, so very important that we see the trivia, for what it is,and begin to see what being a Christian really means, and it certainty does not mean, a life playing silly games, this is what Jesus says,Do you have any idea how silly you look,writing a life story thats wrong from start to finish, nitpicking over commas and semicoons.[T.M] [Father it must surely continue to grieve your heart, how your people are failing to see whats really important to you, and your kingdom, that they are taken up with trivia, forgive, and in thy mercy revive your people, for the sake of your dear Son,Amen]

Friday, 18 January 2008

The unexpected.

I just heard something unexpected last night, a cousin aged fofty one, died suddenly, the scriptures reminds us that we do not know what a day will bring forth. Now we are not to live with fear, but we are to live with a dependance on God, sad to say the vast marjority of people are prepared to live without Christ, and even more sadder , die without Christ. As Christians let us be light, let us be salt, let us live in such a way that others will be challenged as to their need of Christ. [Father help me , use me, to so live that others will see Jesus in this life of mine,Amen]

Thursday, 17 January 2008


It is not a new subject , but I feel I should write on waiting, yesterday I had to take someone to hospital, I had to stay with her,so we waited and waited , I must confess it was a bit of a trial. Waiting, it can be a trial, but it has to be done,the Bible tells us much about waiting, Psalm 40v1 tells us of waiting patiently for the Lord, to be delivered, are you waiting for that? Dont despair , He will answer, in His time, His timing is perfect. what He has promised He will fufill. [Father sometimes I get weary ,and impatient waiting for you to answer my prayers,forgive me, so grant me grace today to continue to patiently wait for you to undertake, I ask this in Jesus name . Amen.]

Wednesday, 16 January 2008


There are some hymns that really bless, think of that hymn ,Amazing Grace, I love that old hymn it touches my heart, reminds me of the wonderful grace of God that saves ,keeps, and is all sufficent for my every need. Are you struggleing? well look to the God of all grace, He will supply your need, whatever trial you are facing , God promises to enable us to cope and to know victory, and if you are not saved, let me remind you that it by grace that we are saved , through faith in Jesus, not of works lest anyone should boast[ Ephesians 2v8-9] [ Father thank you for your grace , I am so very grateful , thank you for Jesus, who has made this all possible, Amen.]

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Are you sinking ?

I like the account in Matthhew 14 v 22ff, of Jesus walking on the sea, and dear old Peters response, Peter also walked on the sea , he started but he could not finish, he began to sink, his faith shrunk, so what did the Lord do,did he let him drown ? no, he saved him, and after that he spoke to him, challenged him. Like Peter we fail , we start out with the best intentions, full of faith, but then we struggle, our faith shrinks ,we feel like we are drowning, well do what Peter did, call out to the Lord ,be assured He will not let you drown, but he will challenge you. [Father renew my faith in you today ,and in your Son Jesus, Amen]

Monday, 14 January 2008


God loves the doubter but honours those who exercise faith, because our relationship is made possible by the grace of God, He loves all his children, I dont know where you are at today, you may be filled the joys of spring, or you may be filled with doubt .The fact of the matter is we are all changeable , in our moods, it is part of the human situation, but be assured of this important truth, God loves you, rest in that love, today. [Father I thank you for the truth that I am loved, by you, you know the best about me and the worst , yet you still love me, thank you in Jesus name, Amen.]

Sunday, 13 January 2008

I wish

You have three wishes , so goes the fairy tale , I remember visiting the Giants Cause-way in N-Ireland. a rock formation, , sitting on the giants chair and making a wish, yet I felt convicted about this, it didnt seem right to me, the Holy Spirit was speaking to me. Make this a day in which you will listen to the Spirit of God, If today you hear His voice harden not your heart. [ Father help me to realize that I am a temple in which dwells the Spirit of God, help me not to grieve Him, or to silence Him ,when He speaks, in Jesus name, Amen.]

Saturday, 12 January 2008

I felt such a fool.

Mybe I am begining to show my age, I seem to becoming more absent minded,while visiting someone recently I looked down and to my dismay I saw that I was wearing two different shoes, also while in local supermarket, I failed to take note of a notice on a door,informing me that what I was trying to use was out of order, I felt such a fool. I am sure no one likes being a fool , or thought of as a fool , but you know when you become a Christian, you are entering into territory that for many appears foolish, believing on someone you cant see, believing on a person who died on a cross, for your sins, believing the resurrection from the dead, to many appears foolish.[ Father I thank you for Jesus your Son who died for my salvation, the preaching of the cross maybe foolishness to those who are perishing, but to all who believe it is the power of God unto salvation. Amen]

Friday, 11 January 2008

Come home

I found myself singing an old Gospel song , the theme of it is ,come home, this is what God is saying to everyone, for we were created for God to live in his presence, the moment sin entered the world, we left home, God has been seeking us out ever since, speaking to us, His voice has gone round the earth, how?the poet R . Duncan, wrote,{Everything Speaks to me], creation has a voice , but because of sin men do not hear it, but God who is merciful, still speaks,still cries out to everyone , come home, how?. from a cross on which his Son died. Earnestly ,tenderly Jesus is calling, calling for you and for me .... ye that are weary come home.[ Father thank you for not giving up on this old sinful world, thank you for so loving this world that you give your Son to die on a cross for sin, thank you in Jesus name, Amen]

Thursday, 10 January 2008

It is hard.

Psalm 46v10 tells us to be still, and know that I am God, so many of us are so very busy ,I look at so many people and they are so busy and so burdened with so much. As a preacher I often try to encourage people to take time to pray, yet for some even their quite time can become a clock watching exercise , I believe God understands all the pressure that people live under,[ consider how busy God is yet even He rested], yet nevertheless He knows whats best for you and I, so this day try to be still in Gods presence. [ Dear Father, drop Thy still dews of quietness,till all our strivings cease, take from our souls the strain and stress, and let our ordered lives confess the beauty of thy peace, in Jesus name. Amen.]

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

The best made plans.

Im sure we have all experienced things going wrong, , you are all dressed up , ready to go out, and you spill something over yourself, you get to the airport , and you have forgotten something, or you are driving to an important appointment and you are delayed, what can one do?. Well we can first of all pray, that God will over-rule, then we should trust Him for that situation, and remember that all things are working together for our good. [ Father sometimes unexpected things happen to me, mybe to remind me ,that you are in control, and I need to continually to rely on You, help me to live this day ,with a healthy dependance on you, in Jesus name, Amen.]

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

What I need.

There are many things we may need, I wonder what you feel you need the most? speaking for myself one thing I need most of all is the peace of God.I find I can cope with most things if I can experience the peace of God ,now the question is this how can I experience this peace in a world of uncertainties ? look to Him who is the source of this peace, in Isaiah 26v3, we read, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee.[ Father there are so many things that cause me to worry, to feel unsettled, help me this day to set my mind on you, I ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen.]

Monday, 7 January 2008

Well done.

There is an old hymn comes to mind with these words, He"ll understand and say well done, one aspect of being a parent is to appreciate the imperfect efforts of your children, to see the love behind the deed, and to encourage them with a well done. Sometimes as I look at my weak efforts at serving Jesus, a sense of failure can creep in, those words of that old hymn remind me , He"ll understand and say well done. [ Dear God you are my loving Heavenly Father , one who appreciates my faltering efforts in serving you,that my best , and worse efforts, are treasured by you, thanks for being so understanding, in Jesus name.]

Sunday, 6 January 2008

Thinking aright.

There is a very interesting book called the power of positive thinking, I need so often need to pull myself up , simply because my thinking is becoming so negative, such thinking can pull one down . My experience of life has had its down sides, and still does have,but I have so often to remind myself of the good things in my life, I may have an illness but I have medicine, do you get the idea?, I may be going through a trial but even in those trials we experience what I call mercies, we may not always be able to look on the bright side of life, but do try. [ Father my thinking is so often negative, help me to think aright, help me in my thought life, in Jesus name.Amen]

Saturday, 5 January 2008


There was this chap who said he loved work , he could watch it all day, we all look at work in different ways,to some it is a necessary evil, to others it is a power game, like so many things in life we all have our own views, some views are negative, others positive.As a Christian I look on work as something positive and helpful, granted there are many jobs that are not the best I know this from expearence,yet even in those jobs, we can glorify God, the word of God tells us in Colossians 3v23-24, And whatsoever you do, do it heartily , as to the Lord, and not unto men, Knowing that of the Lord ye shall recieve the reward. [ Father what ever work You have entrusted to me, help me to glorify You in it, in Jesus name. Amen.]

Friday, 4 January 2008


A friend of mine told me about his father, a fellow Ulster man, he was a Roman Chatolic, he served in the British army in the second world war,most of his companions were Protestants, having come through the war with them , there was a strong bond between then, which lasted for the rest of their lives. This bond was demonstrated during a time of sectarian violence,where they all worked in the shipyard,if you were a Chatolic you were in mortal danger, but his friends protected him,they said we will look after you, and they did, friendship is so important. [Thank you God today for friendship and especially, for the greatest friend of all Jesus. Amen]

Thursday, 3 January 2008

An important truth.

Twelve months, fifty two weeks, hundred of days, thousands of minutes,@seconds,that is what the new year holds for all of us. So what is this important truth? , simply this , one day at a time, this is what Jesus told us, dont worry about tomorrow, it does not mean we should not plan or think about the future, but we are not meant to live with anxiety as regards the future,live with a trust in your loving heavenly Father, day by day. [ Father help me to not worry as regards the future , I confess I do worry , forgive me, in Jesus name, Amen.]

Wednesday, 2 January 2008


I come from Ulster, the cry of the Ulster man is not an inch , no surrender, a certain minister of the Gospel symbolized this, in his religion and his politics, but recently in his political life he has found out the truth that politics is the art of compromise.[ I can understand why some of his followers are confused] .The fact of the matter is if we are to cope with life we need a degree of compromise, as parents ,politicians, bosses, workers, etc. Now while this is true ,there are those things we cannot compromise on, those essential truths , the gospel, holiness.[ Father help me to see when it is wise and best to yield, and give me the courage to stand firm in those things that I should not yield in, in Jesus name. Amen]

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

You can win.

Just to balance up yesterdays message, let me say we can win, as I write I think of my last football match, that I ever played it was a five aside tourament on holiday, and I was in goals, I remember making a really good save, and was applauded , and we won the tournament. Listen we can win we can succeed, one of the most important things that has happened in my life was, passing my driving test, I could only afford ten lessons, when I told my driving instructor I was doing my test, he advised me to get out of it, but I didnt. During my test my legs were literally shaking, but I passed, against the odds. God spoke to me afterwards, said I not unto thee, that if thou wouldest believe , thou shouldest see the glory of God[John11v40] ,we can be winners. [Father in Jesus name I thank You , we can win and succeed ,to You be all the glory. Amen]