verse of the day

Wednesday 20 May 2020

The road is long ( Hebrews 13 v 4 )

We all know the saying of being in a thing for the long haul, in others words we are not going to give up,until we finish the given task.And that is the challenge when you get married its for the long haul till death parts us. Now I know there can be reasons, that one may have to to get out of a marriage,if your husband is abusing you or your child , for your husband is breaking his vows to love you. As one who has been married twice,my first wife died,I know that marriage is a challenge,Shakespeare wrote,''The course of true love never did run smooth'', never truer words spoken,the minister needs to remind all those who are getting married,these wise words. On the road of marriage there  are bumps, potholes, pitfalls,  pain, snoring.On that last one my dear wife says that I am in denial,she could be right.I have had my moments,of  sulking,hurting and stubbornness .In many ways marriage is a very serious thing,as it says ,'not to be entered into lightly , or unadvisedly, but thoughtfully and reverently'.Yes good advice,but unfortunately a lot of people don't give it the thought, they should,the emotions take over..Remember no one is marrying the perfect person,just as their are no perfect churches, there are no perfect people.What has the word of God got to tell us about the marriage relationship Here is a word for us husbands,'Husbands , love your wives,just as Christ loved the church' ( Ephesians 5 v 25 ), think about what this really means, look on the cross.And here is a word for you wives,'love your husbands as Christ loved the church.'.

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