verse of the day

Sunday 31 May 2020

He could do it. ( Hebrews 11 v 3 )

Where I live there is a lot of light pollution,so when I look up into the sky,I only see a few stars, when one studies the universe it is mind blowing,the distance between planets,and stars,and the number of galaxies and stars, and so on,very hard to take it all in. God created everything,in six days,oh did I say six days,it is impossible,yes it is, for you or me,but not for God ,not in the least, for with God all things are possible.Next time some Christian says its impossible,look them straight in eye, and ask them,do they not think God could do?..Am I saying the scientist have got it wrong?,yes,I can tell you it is a far better answer than saying it just happened,oh yes they will say it took million and millions of  years. The time element appears to give them credibility,but it doesn't ,it does .not change anything,the believers of evolution,speak as if evolution has a supernatural power,a god like power. They clap their hands in wonder at what their god can do,the Christian bows in reverence and humility  and praises God who did do it.Someone has said there is no earthly answer to the mystery of creation,many do try to give an answer,but fail miserably.

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