verse of the day

Wednesday 27 May 2020

IF. ( Matthew 10 v 28 )

If I come over as  a blunt instrument, I don't mean to,but there so many ministers and they leave vital truths out of their ministry.The minister has a charge by God to preach the whole truth,and noting but the whole trade,this is not optional. Jonah disobeyed ,and you know what happened to him,the apostle suffered,he experienced ,floggings,imprisonment,stoning,because he spoke,the whole truth.Being a minister is not a popularity contest,the cross would tell you that.We can leave out the doctrine of hell,of creation,sexual perverseness,and wrong sexual behaviour,if we do we will upset people,and that would never do,we would not be popular, we may loose our jobs.But we will on that day when we will have to give an account to our Lord, as to our unfaithfulness,what will we answer?.People need to hear the word sin,to remind them how God views our wrongs morally, and their need to repent and seek forgiveness.The death of Jesus on the cross is Gods answer to the sinfulness of every human being.I am told of a Christian who was on the Titanic,before he perished in the freezing water he swam around and witnessed to people to trust Jesus and be saved,not saved from drowning,but from going to hell. We are all going to die,the most important thing is being ready,before we die,I urge you because I love you ,to trust Jesus before it is to late.

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