verse of the day

Thursday 20 December 2018

Saint Anthony. ( Hebrews 4 v 14 - 16 )

 Coming back to me finding the lost wallet,the lady said she had been praying to ST Anthony  as regards the lost wallet.So did Anthony answer her prayer?,well first of all as regards this so called saint,the Bible teaches that all Christians are saints,  as  Vine writes,'it is used of believers ,it designates all such and is not merely to persons of exceptional holiness'. The term saint means holy one,so it is in 2 Thessalonians 1 v 10 we read of His holy people,were it describes those who have believed.It is a term that is used throughout the whole of the Bible in relation to all Gods  children. As regards praying to so called saints, or to Mary,we have to take seriously what the word of God has to say. In John 14 v 6 we are told that the only way to God is Jesus,and in 1 Timothy 2 v 5 ,we read , that there is one God, there is also one mediator between God and humankind, Christ Jesus. Our Saviour is also our great high priest,( Hebrews 2 v 17 / 8 v 1.) there are many references in Hebrews as regards the priesthood of Jesus.One of the reasons the book of Hebrews was written was to make it clear that earthly priesthoods are finished, so we do not need them , be it Mary.saints ,priests when we pray, we only need Jesus.

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