verse of the day

Thursday 27 December 2018

Like a novel. ( Philippians 1 v 27 - 28 )

I know a man who attends a certain church, where being saved ,and sin is never mentioned, by the minister. His reasoning being, people need to hear about the love of God,and yet the greatest and well known verse in the Bible is John 3 v 16 ,which reads for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not PERISH but have everlasting life.The question is why did God do such a wonderful thing?..The reason because of sin and its consequences,people will go to Hell,mankind needs to be saved,and without sin b dealt with ,we will go to hell.We are told in Matthew 1 v 21 That He ( Jesus )will save His people from  their sins. Raymond Brown, formerly Principal of Spurgeon's College wrote the following. ''Unhappily ,our generation is increasingly less sensitive to sin; 'guilt' belongs to a redundant vocabulary.One of Umberto Eco's fictional characters gives expression to contemporary scepticism; If belief is necessary, let it be in a religion that doesn't make you feel guilty... Like a novel, not like a theology;'

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