verse of the day

Friday 6 December 2013

A battle of the wills.[Jonah 4 v2]

The person of Jonah is an interesting person,what did he hope to gain by running away?,in fact the book of Jonah throws up interesting revelations about God.. As God reveals Himself  in this book,we see clearly the mercy of God,it is very,I stress very unfortunate that some Christians appear to have a God of the OT and a God of the NT.So let me stress God in the OT is merciful,loving,forgiving,and gracious,He does reveal His wrath against sin,and people are made to realise that ,God is to be feared and not to be taken lightly. Make no mistake He has not changed,God is still merciful,loving,forgiving,and gracious,and all people everywhere can experience this through Jesus His son.For those who reject His salvation through Jesus His Son, will experience the wrath of God,let no one be fooled about this. Jonah knew that God was  gracious,merciful,slow to anger,and extremely kind[4v2]. He also knew that God was a God who judged sin,and that is what he desired God to do,he wanted this nation,who where a very wicked and cruel people,to be destroyed and cast into hell.  But it did not happen and  Jonah knew it would not happen,he hoped so much that it would  happen,but He knew his God,in some ways he had a balanced view of God. The problem lay in Jonah he just could not come to terms with the fact that God,would spare such a wicked people, but to Jonah's dismay and displeasure, He did.
A  prayer......./ Dear God forgive us our blind stubborn ways,help us not to as it were spilt You in
two,but to accept You as You really are,and not according to our likes and dislikes,in Jesus name Amen


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