verse of the day

Monday 25 November 2013

Who needs weakness?. [ 2 Corinthians 12]

Weakness who needs it,the apostle was afflicted by weakness, he called it a thorn in the flesh,he see;s it as an affliction from Satan. [2 Corinthians12] In the previous chapter he describes his sufferings,and his overwhelming burden for the church of Christ.The apostle was a man consumed with the work of God,of making Christ known,and yet he is afflicted with a physical problem. The apostle did what most of us do,he prays for healing,after all there is so much to do,you don't send your wounded into battle,do you?,of course not.You send in your healthiest, fittest ,to fight,in sport you take off the injured,and yet God permits Paul to be weakened by an attack from Satan, why is it that in the service of God or the life of many of Gods children,He allows them to experience weakness,illness,bereavement?,take a look at what Paul had to endure[Chap11].Surely none of us need weakness?,wrong, that is the very thing we need,all of us,especially people like the apostle,but as I have said ,all of us. Why?in order that we will not be carried away by pride,the lowest of Gods saints, are all afflicted with that dreadful lurgy,pride,the apostle recognised this,we need to.The story does not finish there ,no,God promised Paul ,what he needed the most, Grace, his need would be supplied,and it would be sufficient to accomplish all God would have him to do.[Philippians 4 v13]
A  prayer..../ Dear God we confess we don't glory in our weaknesses,or even like them,and as You well know ,have prayed that You would remove them,help us to see that Your grace is what we ned the most, inJesus name we ask this. Amen /

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