verse of the day

Friday 29 November 2013

The Bread of Life.[John 6 v 35]

I must confess that I love bread,I like trying different types of bread,like pumpkin seed,cranberry and orange loaf,walnut loaf,potato bread,wheaten bread,and my own particular favourite soda farls. Bread is called the staff of life,a basic food, without it many people would  starve to death. In John 6, we read how Jesus fed thousands of people with a few loaves and fish,this reminded the people of the manna that Israel lived on in their wilderness wanderings. The people Jesus fed thought that here was someone who would feed them,they would not have to go hungry,so they clamoured after Him. The miracles in Johns gospel are seen as signs,pointing a vital truth,all the people saw was the bread and Jesus their meal ticket.So Jesus began to teach them the meaning of the miracle,He clarifies their wrong understanding as regards the manna,God gave that 6v32,not Moses, lets us not rob God of the glory due to His name.Then He mentions the true bread that has come down ,here He is not talking about the manna,but Himself,He is the bread of life,and if they receive Him they would experience everlasting life,mankind has a deeper need that bread from the bakers,and it is to be found in Jesus[v 35]  In Christ ,W Barclay writes,/Life is there for the taking- and the refusing/,so whats it to be ?
A  prayer...../ Dear God we thank You for Jesus the bread of life who alone can save and satisfy Amen/

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