verse of the day

Wednesday 27 November 2013

The whirlwind.[ Hosea 6 v1]

In Hosea 8v7,we read ,/For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind/. Israel had sought to form alliances with Assyria,they also had given themselves over to idolatry,they where the people God had chosen for His special possession,but they forsook Him,forgotten Him,although He had never forsaken them, nor forgotten them.Gods love for His own never changes,that's a fact that cannot be denied,it is us who do the backsliding.It is us who take our eyes of the Lord,we let our gaze wonder to the vain and foolish things of this world,things that cannot satisfy.When we do this we are setting ourselves up for a fall,and we will inevitably suffer,as Israel,and Judah would find out. My study Bible says,/When we seek security in anything except God, we expose ourselves to great danger.Without God there is no lasting security/.Israel would reap the whirlwind,consider how devastating a whirlwind is,we are becoming more,and more familiar with the devastation that strong winds can cause.Remember there is always a cost when we reject God,or when we backslide,it may not be obvious, let us not be fooled or bury our heads in the sand,or as it were  put the phone down,if we sow so shall we reap.
A prayer...../Dear God grant that we will never wander from You,and for those who have ,in wrath remember mercy,in Jesus name Amen/

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