verse of the day

Thursday 14 March 2013

Amazed. [ John 11v40]

Just this week a problem arose in relation to one of my sons,he had a need,that came unexpectedly,now I so desired to help,which my wife and I did in a measure,but only in a measure. So what does one do?,first of all I prayed earnestly, for he is my son whom I love dearly,   and then I looked to Gods word for a promise,the first promise I received was Philippians 4 v19/But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus/. So God spoke but for this to happen a real difficulty had to be overcome, and then God spoke again,/ Is anything to hard for the Lord[Jeremiah 32v27/.So I continued to pray encouraged by the word given,the result was God answered,the need was met,God had been faithful. So what did I do then I thanked God for hearing and answering my prayers, amazed how quickly it was all resolved.
A prayer..../Dear God thank You for Your faithfulness,for prayers answered, for needs met,for difficulties overcome, and for Your perfect timing, in Jesus name Amen /

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