verse of the day

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Bravery. [Hebrews 11v36-39]

It is said of Lord Nelson that he lived for duty,and of course this is borne out by the message that he sent to the fleet at the battle of Trafalgar,/England expects everyman will do their duty/and his dying words.He was a very brave man and was religious, his father was a minister of religion,Nelson was born in the county of Norfolk. He was a heroic figure and became a national hero,and he was laid to rest in St Pauls cathedral in London.He wrote the following,/A brave man dies but once, a coward all his life long.We cannot escape death, and should it happen,recollect that it is the will of Him in whose hands are the issues of life and death. / Bravery can be manifested in many ways, not just on the battle field, I work with the mentally ill,and many of those who suffer from such an illness,manifest a degree of bravery. Think of the people you know ,or have known I am sure many of them have been brave people,I know a few people who were brave. Continually I read of many dear Christians who are living with danger continually,they are dear brave souls,of whom the world is not worthy.Today let us lift up a prayer for the many people who are facing persecution for the cause of Christ.
A  prayer...../Dear God we acknowledge that often we do not feel brave,so we ask for grace that will enable us to be brave as we face our fears in Jesus name Amen/

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