verse of the day

Saturday 24 October 2009

Rejecting God. [ Revelation 3v7-13 ]

Today marks the end of British summer time, and the clocks go back one hour, it wll become darker earlier. It is a marker, a saying the summer is gone,in Jeremiah 8v20 we read,/The harvest is past ,the summer is ended, and we are not saved/.My study Bible says,/ These words vividly portray Jeremiahs emotion as he watched his people reject God/,what a tragedy, those who should have known better, blindly reject their God, with terrible consequences. Whoever rejects God suffers, thats a fact , be it believer or unbeliever, the safest and securist place in the world is in our relationship, and fellowship ,with our God and Saviour .There are many reasons people reject God, but none are legitimate, let us make no mistake about that. Let us remember it is always better to have Gods presence with us, in our trials, He will stand with us, strengthen us, comfort us, and in a coming day will reward us.[ Dear God help us not to reject Thee in our blindness,help us to persevere,to cling to thee,as You cling to us, in Jesus name Amen ]

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