verse of the day

Monday 19 October 2009

Clean the lenses.[ Romans 8 v28 ]

We wear glasses to help us to see ,but sometimes they appear not to be helping, until we realize that we need to clean the lenses, and then what a difference. There is an old saying about not seeing the forest for the trees, , often in life all I can see is the problem,the difficulty, and I become frustrated, and angry, and it is then I need to clean the lenses, by applying Gods word into that situation, and to look at things spiritually. When I do this, I am reminded that I am not a victim of circumstances,I am a child of God, and my Heavenly Father is watching over me,and yes ,I will say it again for we all need continually to be reminded of this truth ,that God is causing all things to work together for my good and yours, dear child of God,so clean your lenses today, and look at things spiritually.[ Dear God every day can bring new challenges and we confess to You that often we struggle, so today help us not to struggle, but help us to rest in You, in Jesus name. Amen ]

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