verse of the day

Saturday 12 October 2019

Shiloh. ( Colossians 1 v 19 - 20 )

On April 6th, 1862 one of the major battles took place in the American civil war,it was the battle of Shiloh over 110,000 forces engaged in this conflict, it resulted in over 23,000 casualties,the battle was won by the Union. The name Shiloh comes from the Bible,  meaning peace ,we find it in Genesis 49 v 10. there its meaning relates to the coming Messiah, we read,' until Shiloh comes'.So the person would have the name meaning peace, in Isaiah 9 v 6 ,the coming Messiah is called the Prince of Peace. On Calvary on that old rugged cross, a battle raged , all the forces of hell,and all the evil that humanity could sum up,attacked our Messiah. Christ our Shiloh, won that battle that day for me and you,when He defeated all the forces against Him.and made possible for all who trust Him ,to know peace with God.

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