verse of the day

Tuesday 5 March 2019

We need a Saviour. ( Matthew 1 v 21 )

Let us consider further readings on Lamentations,and ask a question that goes much further than the nation of Israel,consider it in light of the the world. Here is a question, in all the world,who ever lived ,who lives now ,and who will ever live,deserves to go to hell ?.Now there are vast amounts of people who would say I don' t deserve to go to hell.,surely hell is to extreme and and only for very, very wicked people. Surely it is not for people who commit minor offences,after all they do not hang people for breaking the speed limit,or for spitting,surely not.Does not  even the Bible teach that the punishment should fit the crime.We read in Victorian times people were hung for stealing a loaf of bread, that was very extreme and surely God did not approve. These arguments seem reasonable,rational,sensible, but they lack something that's very important,the seriousness of sin.The points we have raised are purely at a human level, but when we speak about sin,then we are using Gods definition for wrongs committed against Him. Sin reminds us that we are answerable to a higher power, who will  judge according to His standard, all sin brings with it a price tag, Gods righteous judgement.Does that mean that a minor infringement could send us to hell ?,the answer is yes. If that is so ,and it is,how can anyone escape going to hell,its humanly impossible. So what can one do? I was talking to my barber ,who is a Muslim, I mentioned to him that they believe in a Jesus who is a prophet,just like Muhammad,but then I said to him, we need more than a prophet we need a Saviour,and Jesus is that Saviour,the one who saves us from our sins, and there consequences..

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