verse of the day

Sunday 17 March 2019

Helping. ( Luke 10 v 25 - 37 )

Not so long ago as  I was driving my car,I passed a person I knew standing at the bus stop,I  had an impulse to stop and offer him a lift,but I didn't .It was Melanie Reid  who told how she had an impulse to  give someone a lift,her husband objected,but they did.She also mentioned one time passing a young man who needed help, and she didn't,and then she  used the phrase,'The almost nearly good Samaritan '.I suppose to some extent we have all been, the almost nearly good Samaritan's,it is a challenge in life,especially if you are Christian ,to help others.The sad thing for some of us ,we never have  even an impulse,to help someone. There is always reasons to not help,because you don't think its a worthy cause,or we read in the paper about some homeless people who make a good thing out of it. Or we say why can't they find a job?or why ,and so we could go on ,and never respond, we brush away the impulse to help.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ' If I can help somebody as I pass                                                                                                               along,then my living shall not be                                                                                                                in vain.'

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