verse of the day

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Praying Hands. ( Romans 5 v 6 - 8 )

In the 15th century in Nuremberg  a family with 18 children, there were two brothers in the family,called Albrecht  and Albert .These two brothers were very gifted and both wanted to pursue their dream,in the world of art.But of course there was no money,so they agreed that one would go to art school and study art,and the other would support him by working in a local mine,and after four years the other one go ,supported by the other.So they tossed a coin and Albrecht won. So off he went ,he was very gifted and became a famous artist,in 4 yrs he returned,no longer poor,the family and the village celebrated his return by throwing a party.During the celebrations  ,Albrecht stood up and said to his brother ,now its your turn, but Albert told told him it was to late,his hands were ruined from working in the mine.To honour his sacrifice Albrecht  sketched his brothers hands,he painted the hand,and they became known as the praying hands. I have a little carving of the praying hands,reminding me of that dear brothers sacrifice.This is a true story,a story of sacrifice, we admire people who  sacrifice  for others,and we honour such. I am a Christian I wear a little cross around my neck,it reminds me of the greatest sacrifice ever made,the person I speak of is Jesus who died on a cross ,for sinners such as you and me. On that cruel cross He did not just die, He died bearing Gods punishment for sin,and when we trust Him as our Saviour,we can rest assured that we wont suffer in Hell for all eternity, our eternity will be spent in heaven.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The wondrous Cross                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Love so amazing ,so divine,                                                                                                                      Demands my soul, my life,                                                                                                                                       my all.                                                                                                                                                  ( Isaac  Watts )

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