verse of the day

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Music. [Psalm 23 ]

I have always loved the cinema,and recently I have observed how important the music is, and how it is written to express the theme and mood of the story line. When you have a western, you will have music that tells you  there is Indians involved,in scary movies ,you have music that adds to a sense of fear. Shakespeare wrote that all the world was a stage,maybe if he were writing to day ,he  would write that all the world is a movie which we are all part of,playing out our different rolls.The thought came to me, what music are we hearing and living by ? ,is it music that indicates we are scared,is it music that indicate danger?. Are we swayed or even controlled by the music? what drum beat are we marching to?,maybe we need to start listening to heavens music,the music of faith,peace,trust, holiness.It is not music written by Mozart ,but by the divine Spirit,it speaks to our heart, and tells us to be still and know that He is God,that tells us to trust and not be afraid,that tells us that ,our Lord is with us,if we really listen, we will be brought into a place of calm and still waters.
A prayer ...../ Dear God help us in a world of distorted music ,to listen to the sound of Heavens music, in Jesus name Amen /

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