verse of the day

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Be alert. ( Matthew 13 v 25 )

 We have to be on our guard all the time,just recently, my son and his wife visited us,he was preaching in our church,later on the day,they drove home,Later that evening I received an email, it appeared to be from my son,Telling me he had been in an accident,but he wasn't hurt,  I immediately phoned my son and to my relief he had not been in an accident,it was a scam.My wife told me recently  she had received a text, stating that she was being fined for a parking offence,another scam.Yes we have to be on our gaurd,or we will find ourselves in deep trouble,and loose a lot of money. Likewise in the spiritual realm we must be alert ,why?, 1 Peter 5 v 8, tells us,''Be alert and of a sober mind,Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion,looking for someone to devour',We must not let down our guard for one moment,if we do we might just be the next victim,Stay awake and stay alert, take this warning seriously.People often ignor warnings and suffer the consequence, they get fined for speeding,they go through a red light,and so it goes on. Our Saviour was facing His coming crucifixion,He was in the garden praying ,when he had finished praying the first time, He returned to the disciples,but He found them sleeping, at such a time as that, and He especially spoke to Peter,'Watch and pray so that you do not fall into temptation,and He added,'the spirit is willing but the flesh is week'  ( Matthew 26 v 41),and we know what happened to Peter. 

                                                'Be warned,be alert,and stay awake'

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