verse of the day

Tuesday 15 October 2024

We die twice. ( Romans 6 v 1- 14 )

 When we think of dying we automaticly think of dying once,but in actual fact a Christian dies twice,now what do I mean by that?. We need to turn to Romans 6 to get the answer,the apostle is dealing with those who are saying if we are saved by grace alone ,it does not matter how we live. Paul was exalting the grace of God,he wrote ,''Where sin abounded,grace superabounded'', William Barclay writes that their argument would be something like this, ' The objector; You have just said that God's grace is great enough to find forgiveness for every sin.  Pual; That is so. The Objector; You are in fact,saying that God's grace is the greatest and most wonderful thing in all this world. Paul; That is so. The Objector; Your argument is that sin produces grace; therefore sin is bound to be a good thing if it produces the greatest thing in the world'. Of  course Paul is not saying that,and that he is horrified at such a thing,and replies ,'What a ghastly thought' (J P Phillips trans)Then Paul raises the issue of Baptisim and its meaning, v 3 ff ,Again W B writes,Baptism was by total immersion that was symbolically like dying and rising again, in which we die to the old life of sin and rise to a new life of grace.' as WB goes unto say we underwent '' a voluntary death''. We are now dead to sin,it is not that we won't sin,it is obvious we do,yes we fall into sin but we do not live in sin .We take no pleasure in sin,we are dead to it, Martyn Lloyd Jones says ,'that being dead to sin ,means,'That we died to the realm and to the rule and to the reign of sin'. 

                                                  ''Called unto holiness'' Church of our God,

                                                    Purchase of Jesus,redeemed by His blood;

                                                    Called from the world,and its idols to flee,

                                                     Called from the bondage of sin to be free''

                                                                     Words Mr . Morris.

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