verse of the day

Monday 14 October 2024

Walking in the darkness.( Luke 15 v11- 31)

 I sometimes think back to the days when  I was away from the Lord,I was like a man stumbling along in the darkness.Not knowing where I was going, and I felt so lost,not realising the danger I was in ,not knowing where I was going, or whom to turn to.The darkness like a fog enveloped me,life was just a dark hole in which there was no escape. In that darkness of evil that beckoned me,the moral walls began to crumble ,I was blind to what was right and what was wrong, I who once knew the right way,had strayed from the one person I used to follow 'Jesus' I had lost sight of Him, and in doing that I  found myself walking in the darkness,I was often looking for a friend ,I felt a lonliness within my heart,it is said that one can be lonley even within a crowd. There is no darkness that can be compared to  the darkness of the soul, who knows where it will end up,one goes on in blind ignorance,yet one can see ,but it is only a short sightedness, one is fixiated in the temporal,the transient,that which is fleeting and of no lasting value,I was searching but not finding,because I did not grasp what I really needed.The word of God tells us that the world and its desires pass away,in my confusion and darkness,I couldn't see that,the lust of eyes ,and the pride of life was what mattered to me.Then one evening standing on a street corner lonely and forlorn,God interviened,that evening I found myself or should I say  God found me,and I found Him,and all things were changed.

                                                 'Like a blind man who walks in the darkness,

                                                  I had longed,I had searched for the light,

                                                  Then I met the Master,now I walk no more

                                                  in the night.

                                                  For all thigs were changed when He found me,

                                                  A new day broke through all around me,

                                                  For I met the Master ,now I belong to Him,

                                                              Words ,'The Booth Brothers.'


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