verse of the day

Saturday 12 October 2024

Waiting on God( Psalm 40 v1)

Let me ask you a question, are you good at waiting ?,years ago as childrem we would say to our mother when's the dinner going to be ready?,and she would reply, 'it's in the hottest place in the house'. Children can be very impatient, and so can adults,my wife gets impatient often when we are in a queue ,and she will say to me,'look there's only two people on the till.' But what about waiting on God?,now that's a challenge, for  often it means literally waiting maybe a long time and still we wait. My experience of getting into the ministry was praying and waiting,praying and more waiting. I looked up a poem by a  man call Russel  Kelfer on waiting,it is a very long poen but is it well worth reading, I leave you with some of the verses from it.

                  'Desperately, helplessly, lovingly, I cried. Quietly , patiently, lovingly,He replied,

                      I pleaded ,and I wept for a clue to my fate, ,and the Master so gently said,

                                                             ''Child,you must wait''

                  ''Wait?.you say wait?''my indignant reply''Lord ,I need answers,I need to know why'

                   Is your hand shortened?Or have you not heard? By faith I have asked,and I'm 

                                                                claiming your word.

                  My future,snd all to which I can relate.hangs in the balance,and you tell me to wait?.

                  I'm needing a 'yes'a go-ahead sign,or even a 'no' to which I can resign.

                 'And Lord,you have promised that if we believe,We need but ask,and we shall receive,

                 And Lord I've been asking,and this is my cry,''I'm weary of asking, I need a reply''

                Then quietly,softly,I learned my fate,As my Master replied once again,''You must wait''

                So I slumped in my chair,defeated and taut,and grumbled to God. ''So I'm waiting for what?''

                He seemed to kneel,and His eyes met mine,and He tenderly said,''I could give you a sign''.

                I could shake the heavens,darken the sun,raise the dead,cause the mountains to run.

               ''So be silent my child,and in time you will see,that the greatest gifts is to get to know Me.

                And though oft' may my answers seem terribly late,My most precious answer of all.....

                                                                   is still....Wait

                             'The  only thing harder than waiting on God,is wishing you had'









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