verse of the day

Sunday 13 October 2024

Safe am I. ( John 3 v 36 )

 When I was a young boy I went to the local swimming pool,it was my first visit,I could not swim,and as I stood on the edge of pool someone pushed me in,I remember it so well, I actually was drowning but an  attendant jumped in and rescued me.God is merciful ,I could say why me?,I don't know, but I will always be eternally grateful that he did. I am reminded of another young boy his name was John Wesley he was aged five, he was asleep in his bed ,when a fire broke out in his home,and in the confusion and panic ,he was overlooked. John woke from his sleep he could see that the staircase was on fire so he  dragged a chest up to the window,climbed on to  it,and fortunately he was rescued.Later on his mother Susannah had a painting of John done,and these words were written on it,'''A brand pluked from the burning''. Every soul who is saved are brands pluked from the burning of hell ,it is as serious as that,this is not scare mongering, there is a hell as there is heaven. We are told that the wrath of God abides on every unbeliever,  John and myself had  people who were rescued us from death, so it is that God has provided one who can rescue sinners from God's wrath, his name is Jesus the word of God clearly teaches that if we call upon Him ,he will save us.

                                           'I was sinking dep in sin, sinking to rise no more,

                                           Overwhelmed by guilt within,mercy I did implore.

                                           Then the Master of t from he sea heard my desparing cry,

                                            Christ my Saviour lifted me,now safe am I.

                                                 Love lifted me......Love lifted me!

                                                When no one but Christ could help,

                                                            LOVE LIFTED ME.  

                                                              (Words J Rowe)


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