verse of the day

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Death will die. ( Revelation 21 v 4 )

I have two favourite flowers ,the rose and the geranium ,the rose for it's beauty and the geranium for it's flowers and easy maintenance. I just want to mention the rose,one of my roses has a large white flower but it will last for a while but soon it whithers  and is gone.If only I could preserve that beauty,but I can't,yes soon their beauty is decayed, nothing can change that.The most beautiful person will soon loose their beauty ,they end up slowly loosing their teeth ,their hair,their hearing,and then finally they die,just a precious memory. It is coming to us all ,whither we like it or not,as they say at the commital service,'earth to earth,ashes to ashes,dust to dust'.So that's it?, no it goes on to say,as regards those who have trusted Jesus as their Saviour,''in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life,through our Lord Jesus Christ,so that's it?no for it goes unto say,'through our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our earthly body, that it may be like unto His glorious body'.Is that it? no, for in our new body we will be ussered into the eternal glories where nothing will die, in fact death will have died.

                                              'What creative possibilites awaits us in the

                                               unfolding of the eternal ages no present

                                               imagination can begin to unravel.'

                                                                Bruce  Milne.

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