verse of the day

Saturday 5 October 2024

His time. ( 3 v 1 )1

The book of Ruth has much to teach us,it takes place at the time of the Judges,that time when everyone did  that what was right in their own eyes,instead of God's.It tells us their was a famine in the land of Israel,we are not told why there was a famine,it could be that God was dealing with his people because of their wrong ways,but we don't know.Elimelek and his wife Naomi,and their two sons ,went to live in the land of Moab . Let us keep in mind God's overriding purpose in all that would happened. Some of it would be painful,for we read that Elimelek died.The two sons married  Gentile girls,but then another tragedy struck ,they to died, leaving Naomi with her two daughter -in -laws.No explaation is given by God, God is not duty bound to give us a reason, what he does require of us is 'Trust'. That's is very,  very important, we forget that to our cost,He has a plan,the plan for Jesus was a cross,remember God has a plan for all our lives,and in it all ,we are to trust Him. Naomi had no one to support her,but just at time she heard that the famine had ended in Israel,God's timing was perfect,it always is, I'm sure Naomi that godly woman prayed,and God made a way,whatever you are facing ,and crying unto God to help you with,it will come in His time,so trust Him,and so the story unfolds,(we will continue with this next time.)

                                                            'In His time,in His time

                                                             He makes all things beautiful

                                                             in His time,

                                                             Lord show me everyday

                                                             As You're teaching me Your way,

                                                             That you do just what you say

                                                                   ' in Your Time'  (Words by Diane Ball)

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