verse of the day

Thursday 3 October 2024

Holiness. ( 1 Corinthians 6 v19)

 What does it mean to be holy?, it means being separate or set apart. from  evil, all that's unclean ,it means  our outword and inner life. In Romans 12 v1 we read,' 'Therefore,I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of Gods mercty,to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice,holy and pleasing to God' Why should we do this?what is the incentive to be holy? the mercies of God,John Stott says ,'there is no greater incentive to holy living than a comtemplation of the mercies of a God'.Without the mercies of God  we would not be saved,saved from the bondage of sin,and the consequence of sin.As we cast our mind back to our unsaved days,and the bondage of sin our Saviour delivered us from, He said ,' 'Everyone who sins is a slave to sin' (John 8 v34).Someone has said we do not become sinners because we commit sins; we commit sins because we are sinners.I often point to the history of mankind the wars and the daily toll of gratuitous violence,rape,  abuse,torture,and murder in every corner of the globe .'Jesus said that he had come to set us free,and when He saved us by His mercy He sets us free. The consequences of sin is seen in so many ways,broken homes a the ultimate consequence is eternal damnation in hell.So Paul says in veiw of God's mercy we should offer our bodies as a living sacrifice,holy and pleasing to God.

                                                     'Oh, the love that drew slvations plan!

                                                      Oh,the grace that brought it down to man.

                                                      Oh,the mighty gulf thast God did span

                                                                           At Calvary.

                                                        Mercy  there was great,and grace was free;

                                                         Pardon there was multiplied to me,

                                                          There my burden soul found liberty

                                                                               At Calvary,  (Words W.R.Newell.)

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