verse of the day

Friday, 14 March 2025

Love is ( 1Corinthians 13 v 6 )8

Love does not rejoice in evil but rejoices with the truth v 6,There is a perverseness in humanity that actually rejoices in evil, and even delights in evil,there are endless examples of that. Evil must be seen for what it is,and not to be laughed at ,we pray that the Lord will deliver us from evil.'In ancient Rome people took a delight in the gladiatorial games where for entertainment people fought to to the death.The story is told that a monk called Telemachus from Asia,heard an inner voice telling him to go to Rome,he ended up in the colosseum,where  to his horror  he saw two gladiators fighting,he ran between them calling out ,'in the name of Christ stop'.The result was he was run through with a sword,as he lay dead,the crowds left  the had an affect and eventually the games came to an end.' In these days when moral values are being eroded by people who delight in evil practices,may we not go along with evil doers but be like that dear monk who stood against the evil which he witnessed.

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