verse of the day

Saturday, 15 March 2025

Love is ( 1 Corinthians 13v 6) 9

Love rejoices with the truth v 6. From not delighting in evil,to 'rejoicing  with the truth', the reformation came about because the truth of God's word  was being underminded,not only was it was undermined  ,it was withheld from God's people. Christianity is built upon truth,personified in the person of Jesus Christ who is ,'the Way,the Truth,and the Life'.We rejoice in that truth,and many are suffering and dying for that truth. The problem with fallen mankind they will believe a life rather than embrace the truth of the word of God.It was Joseph Goebbels the propaganda minister under Adolf Hitler, said,'If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe in it,and it becomes the truth' Of course it does not become a truth,for a lie dressed up,still remains a lie.Psalm 119 v 160 declares , 'All your words are true ',we cannot say that of humanity our words are often far removed from the truth.In so many areas of life truth is is distorted,evil is called good and good is called evil.Many people lives are built on lies,and no matter how a lie is dressed up,it is a lie for all that,when people tell  a so called half truth it becomes a total lie.Many people swear on the Bible to tell the whole truth,and nothing but the truth,with no intention of being truthful.

                                                        'The Lord detests lying lip

                                                         but He delights in people

                                                          who are trustworthy.'

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