When in Athens Paul came into contact with Epicurean and Stoic philosophers,one may ask what good comes out of philosophy? Epicurean believed that the universe was self -creating and self-destroying,it began by a chance combination of atoms.of course chance can not do anything.Modern day thinking on the universe and how it began,is similar to Epicurism,it just all happenened which is impossible. The center of Philosophy was Athens the great thinkers came from there and yet Athens was full of idols one writer says it was smothered or swamped by idols and as John Stott says it was a veritable forest of idols.,and just in case they missed a god they had an altar to a'unknown god'.Spititual blindness was the name of the day for they knew not God they fumbled about in the darkness.Blinded by the god of this world,and their own darkened nature,the wisdom of man will never lead anyone to a knowledge of the only one, and true God. And as for the Gospel it is foolishness to them, but that foolishness is in fact the wisdom of God.Paul writes, that the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles. ( 1 Corinthians 1 v18/23)But to us who are being saved it is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1 v16) all mankind need a saviour,that Saviour is none other than Jesus Christ.
'Stop stumbling about in the darkness and turn to
Jesus, the Light of the world'