verse of the day

Monday 17 June 2024

The Gospel. ( 1Corinthians 6 v 9 - 11)

 I was watching an old movie ,in which it showed a building being erected,,and over the entrance were the following words,'Gospel Church'.Wonderful words,every church should be a Gospel church,but unfortunately its not so,many so called churches have lost their way. I read this,'The word gospel reflects the Greek word for.'' good news''. The good news is what God has done in Jesus Christ,supremely in Jesus' life,death,and resurrection. This God did in fulfillment of all that he had promise ,((Luke 24 v44) to reconcile  lost and guilty human beings to Himself,powerfully transforming them by His Spirit in anticipation of their resurrection  existence in the new heaven and the new earth'.Yes the gospel does all that,yes it is good news,we live in a world were there is so much bad news,it is great to tell people the good news of the Gospel,it is the apostle Paul who wrote,'For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes'.  (Romans 1 v16),I say this with great sadness many are ashamed of the gospel,they don't like the word sin, and what it means.I read this recently,'Nowhere  does the Bible refer to our sins as mistakes, bad judgements, and slips',The Bible tells us  clearly that when we do wrong it is a sin, because it concerns us and God.If you want to get to heaven, then your only option  is to confess,and forsake your sin ,and  trust Jesus  and the good news is this, you will be forgiven'Not only will you be forgiven, Christ will break the power of sin in your life.

                                                           'Now that's good news'

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