verse of the day

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Be an example ( 1 Timothy 4 v12 )

 I looked down at the floor in my living room, and I noticed something very,very small, it turned out to be  a very ,very small spider ,it was minute.So small ,so insignificant.The thought struck me,God created it, why? I don't know,he didn't consult me.On the serious side , God's creation  is awe inspiring, in Zechariah 4 v 10 we read,'Who dares to despise the day of small things',When I was born ,a neighbour cried when she saw how small I was,one day a father saw his friend smiling at his new born baby , and he asked him ,what he was smiling at,his friend answered,'the child is so little', The father replied,''he's little- but he will grow''.Someone has said,'In every child there are infinite possibilities for good and ill'.Remember if you are a parent,a Sunday school teacher,or whatever,remember your influence,your input can make a great difference,to that child ,you have  contact with.As Christians we can influence them for Christ by our example,a young child spoke to a missionary ,and asked him',are you Jesus?.' Let us remember that our dear Saviour ,not only influenced people by what He said,He also influenced people by His example,and I am sure the mothers and the children would always remember the famous Rabbi who unlike the disciples who showed a bad example and how He took the children in His arms and blessed them.(Mark 13 -16 )

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