verse of the day

Saturday 2 November 2019

Doing evil. ( 2 Samuel 4 )

Matthew Henry writing on Romans 3 ,comments on those  who say ,'Let us do evil, that good may come'. 'Let us do evil that good may oftener in the heart than the mouth of sinners, so justifying themselves in their wicked way'' Machiavelli wrote the book  ,' The Prince', which put forth the idea of the greater good,in other words even if it meant doing that which is not right.Many have chosen that path ,Stalin was ruled by this,even Hitler, they believed the evil they were doing was for the greater good,and so millions upon millions suffered.This flawed belief has caused untold suffering, it is also seen in the attitude of the Jewish leaders towards our dear Lord,When they plotted to murder Him,Caiaphas the High Priest said ,that if they let Jesus continue the Romans would come and take away the temple and the nation. He followed this by saying, ''Better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish'' ( John 11 v 48 -50 ) No matter what it may concern, it is never good to do evil, be it whatsoever,and we cannot never justify it.

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